Welcome to Somlia Green Party!
Somali Green party’s objectives are:
Ø Develop an institution based on community leadership that can research and study ways to combat desertification in Somalia.
Ø Conduct ecological research expeditions in Somalia, prioritizing those areas suffering severe environmental stress.
Ø Create tree plantation nurseries and implement reforestation programmers, particularly in areas severely affected.
Ø Provide occupational skills training to enable villagers to become self-supporting and maintain healthy livelihoods without having to destroy their environment.
Ø Develop agricultural schemes to assist farmers in planting trees, provide healthy seeds, farming equipment, and general training and advice.
Ø Organize and manage existing elements of those in society who already possess a good perception of environmental issues.
Ø Increase the level of environmental understanding amongst all the people of Somalia.
Ø Organize periodical workshops for all severely affected regions and, if possible, invite international non-governmental organizations to assist in assessing the damage done to Somalia’s environment.
Ø As a newly established non-governmental organization, without the backing and support of our government (as no form of government exists in Somalia), we are extremely limited in the activities we can undertake, although there are many issues which need addressing. The SGP team is, however, dedicated and hard working. We are currently pursuing the following activities.
Ø Raising awareness, at all possible levels, about the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.
Ø Preparing and distributing newsletters, brochures, stickers and other gift items which all carry environmental awareness messages.
Ø Trying to locate international funds, partnerships, guidance and support to fulfil the organization’s objectives and aims.
Ø Creating obstacles for those involved in the charcoal export trade. A communiqué between SGP and the Federal Environmental Agency of the United Arab Emirates has been made, whereby SGP has requested the ban of charcoal import from Somalia.
Ø Establishing community-based committees that participate on all levels relating to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and in all follow-up procedures.
Ø Exchanging information and sharing resources with international environmental non-governmental organizations.
More information about Greens Data
If work is not carried out soon to educate the Somali people on the sustainable use of natural resources, and an in-depth inventory made on environmental hazards, we fear that desertification and pollution will increase at an extremely disturbing rate. This will only add to the threat to the lives of many for present and future generations. We are trying to focus our attentions on identifying, and resurrecting, sustainable small-scale industries and activities that will ultimately woo charcoal laborers to more productive and less hazardous livelihoods. The Somali people and many international organizations have spent much time as well as precious resources on coping with Somalia’s current political turmoil and its civil wars, while, throughout, the environment has been left to suffer. SGP, with the help of all nature-loving people throughout the world, hopes to do a great deal to change the ongoing environmental tragedy in Somalia.
Somali Greens calls for all Somalis and all other nature-loving people to immediately end the ongoing environmental devastation in Somalia. We look forward, with hope, for assistance in securing a better environment in our country.
Somali Greens has established its main office in Mogadishu and Jilib capital cities of Southern Somalia. Greens are planning to open offices in Putland, Somailand, Southerland and Kismayo regions. Due to the lack of a proper and reliable communication infrastructure in Somalia, we maintain our International & communications office in Ottawa, Canada.
With human and animal lives at stake in Somalia, SGP is here to stay and will continue the struggle, undaunted by the task in its war-torn homeland.
Further information
Eng.Ahmed Haji, International Relations -Somalia Green Party, PO Box 101,African Vilage, Somalia.
The Land by the Somali Greens program is intended..
Greens seek to restore balance through recognizing that our planet and all of life are unique aspects of an integrated whole, and also through affirming the significant inherent values and
contribution of each part of that whole. We declare on behalf of
humankind that every generation has responsibilities towards
future generations not to misuse resources that are the common
heritage of all.
Instead of exploiting fellow humans and the Earth, Greens
embrace an attitude of love, compassion and humility. It is an
evolving, flexible, and reciprocal process of healing, a process
that brings us back to our center, back into balance with
ourselves and our community and nature.
The Land by the Greens program is intended
to spark thought and action to start the transition to a truly
democratic and ecological society.
Screen Shot: Project BOB
We are all one.The horn of africa Anything that affects other people (including unborn generations), our flora and fauna, our soil, air or water, affects us. For our very survival, decisions from now on must
take this into consideration and decisions must be taken in
caring and consideration for the quality of life of the living
species of this planet.
The Horn of Africa Resourse Informations
Because the Earth community is imperiled and the current political system has proved ineffective, Green politics has arisen worldwide through Green parties and kindred grassroots movements.
We Thank the Horn of African Green Parties Federation who share the
Global Greens vision.
Join us in creating a new Greens Throughout the Horn of Africa States
To find out more about the local Green Party or
how you can help us win this programmes, please contact us at: Email: somalia Green Party or Email: somalia Green PartyHorn Africa Green party Federation